The Scare

What an appropriate title for the first weekend of October, huh?

I woke up this morning feeling completely normal & then walked into the bathroom to do my business. Panic commenced. I noticed a tiny bit of rusty colored spotting. There was also very light pink spotting when I wiped. More panic.

I called my OB’s on call line to get her nurse practitioner. She told me, since there was no cramping, she wasn’t that concerned about it. Apparently, in half of all pregnancies women have some form of spotting at some point. I’m on orders to take it easy today so I’ve been bed resting with Sophie Belle. If it gets any worse, however, I was directed to call back.

Five hours have passed & things haven’t worsened. I did have mild spotting one other time that was very light and only on my underwear (not when wiping). Nurse prac. called back about an hour ago to check to see how things were so I updated her. She told me, as she’d mentioned earlier, my Dr. thought it could be from the progesterone suppositories. Apparently, they can cause a rusty/pink spotting on occasion. They want me to come in for another HCG tomorrow, as planned, & get another PIO as well. In addition, my Dr. doesn’t want me taking the progesterone suppositories tonight, or tomorrow in case they’re causing some sort of irritation.

When I woke up this morning, I was 110% certain that this pregnancy, like the two others, was doomed. Since talking with them, I’m trying to calm down until I get the results tomorrow & just hope for the best.

Please say a prayer &/or send us lots of good vibes tomorrow!!!!!!!!


Another Milestone 

We’ve reached another milestone this pregnancy! In the past, I’ve only gotten the initial pregnant 1-2 weeks but today, when I re-tested to see if the numbers moved up, they did!!!!

Which is completely amazing news for us!!!! And I didn’t even take this bad boy this morning, I did it after my evening Target run. 

I didn’t want to live the entire weekend in immense fear that things were taking a turn for the worst so I bought another Clearblue weeks estimator in hopes of alleviating this pregnancy after loss experience. Thanks, Clearblue 😄

We are so incredibly thankful & are praying so hard this is our rainbow baby. Please, please keep us in your prayers as well!!!!!!!

Thank you & happy Friday, friends!!! 


Second BETA

I got up early this morning & stumbled through the bedroom throwing something on to rush out the door. The sooner I get there, the sooner they’ll have the results!

I got there to be told, “we don’t have a lab tech here today, hang on and let me talk to someone. Just take a seat.”

*commence added internal panic

I sat there, again not patiently, until I erupted into a coughing fit courtesy of my current bronchitis. I stepped out the door into a foyer &, finally, when I walked back in to find my seat, someone called my name.

I went back for the HCG draw & then got another glorious PIO shot.

“Someone should call you this evening with the results.”

Oh, she doesn’t know….bless her heart. In all reality, I will likely call at least once to check on the status of said results. This ain’t my first rodeo, sweetheart.

So I waited….& waited….& waited….& WAITED again. Very patiently, might I add. My phone lit up around 2:45 & I took as deep of a breath as I could manage in my bronchial state.

Formalities were said & she told me what I knew, she had my results. She also added my Dr. was happy with them & wanted to repeat them again on Monday.

The HCG more than doubled & is 149.9. The progesterone is 54.35.

From here on out, the game plan is to continue taking the Levonox injections nightly, along with the baby Aspirin, the daily Metafolate that replaces the folic acid (since I have the MTHFR gene mutation), & start taking progesterone suppositories on Friday & then go in again on Monday to see if the labs keep raising as they should. Once they reach 1500, they’ll schedule my first OB appointment.

We are thrilled with this news & pray things keep improving. My numbers have NEVER been this high before so we’re very pleased with that.We are off to a very good start. One I hope that will prove to be very promising.

I’ve carried around my mamaw’s prayer cloth with me all day. I can remember her squeezing it in her hands during challenging times. When I got the results I smiled, & almost cried because I’m just really emotionally currently, & thought mamaw must have aggravated Jesus to death ever since she got up there. “No more of them fertile drugs!!!”  LOL 🙂 I know she’s going to watch over this little baby while she holds my other two in Heaven.

Continued prayers, good vibes, thoughts, & whatever else you all can throw at us are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!! I could NOT have endured this journey without all the love & support we have received. Could not.

Sending love to you all!!! ❤ ❤


The Results Are In

Yesterday did not start like any other day. Scott ALWAYS, not usually-always-gets up before me & heads downstairs to catch up on some TV, while I usually sleep another hour or two. That did not happen yesterday as my family had spent the night beforehand & my snoring dad was passed out in front of the recliner, preventing Scott’s TV getaway.

I got up after I heard my nephew screech a few times-the kid really likes to scream-& headed into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it was positive. It read just as it had the last time PREGNANT 1-2. I held my breath a little reading it this time, thinking back to when I’d last seen it just two months earlier.

I clumsily headed toward the bed where Scott was playing on his phone at that point, saying, “happy Birthday, daddy,” since his Birthday is today.

My HCG was already scheduled since we did another round of Femera this cycle. I called this morning to verify & told them what my doctor had said about immediately starting Levonox injections. They told me to come on in to their office &, as long as I got there before lunch, they could draw my blood in the lab there.

Silly receptionist, I was already half ready. I went into the bathroom & had a little bit of dingy colored spotting & thought oh, no. It’s over before it even started again.

Once I got to the office, I walked, okay shuffled my feet, in thinking the worst. Wondering if my HCG would even register still, catastrophizing my numbers would be in the gutter. I told the nurse about the spotting & she went to ask my Dr. about the PIO (progesterone in oil) injection. She gave the go ahead to give it just to be safe due to the spotting.

Through all the fertility treatments we’ve done, I’d never had a PIO injection. Ever. Not one. I’d read horror stories about them. In fact, a friend of mine told me one such horror story just before I headed back this morning. So I was a little nervous. Turns out, it’s not THAT bad. It did feel very strange going on due to the thickness of it & I got a little dizzy/nauseous at that point but it was fine. Mostly, it bothered me afterwards more than anything because it was sore & just plain odd feeling.

3 hours went by, I’d heard nothing. I don’t think the person who calls people with results knew what they were dealing with here. I am a crazy 3 round IUI, 2 round IVF veteran, with a shit ton of Clomid & Femera in between, not to mention the miscarriages, so I was NOT so patiently waiting at home.

I called myself to not so gently remind them that I needed the results. I got a call back from the nurse saying, “Your BETA HCG was positive & she wants you to come back in for a repeat on Wednesday & another progesterone shot.”

I asked what the numbers were and here they are: HCG 62, Progesterone 33.

For me, this is really good because I’ve NEVER had a first HCG that high before. If I’m not mistaken the most recent one was in the 20’s when they drew the first time.

In addition to going back in on Wednesday, they are suppose to call my Levonox injections in as well. I’m also suppose to keep taking the oral Progesterone.

Send us all the prayers/thoughts/good vibes/& everything you have!!!!!!!!

Also, please do not mention this on any social media. We aren’t ready to announce yet &, as I said last time, I have about a million adorable announcements planned. If that alone is not a deterrent enough, I’ve been infertile & on several fertility drugs for a while now, don’t make me cut you 😛



Follow Up


Today, was our followup appt with my gyno for the miscarriage.

Borrowing a line from Dickens, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

On one hand, it went really. She was very compassionate about what happened & happy that we were even able to get pregnant so soon after my laparoscopy at the end of April. Being my second miscarriage, she also did a full workup of blood testing. 13 vials worth to be exact!!! I did not pass out…though I came close. She also looked at my cervix & noted the bleeding had stopped so that was a good thing as well.

Surprisingly, she seemed shocked when I told her no after she asked if anyone had given me pain meds while I was miscarrying. NOPE. She also seemed surprised no one did a D&C. I quickly put the D&C concern at bay, I believe, after telling her I was pretty sure I passed anything and everything.

The bad: For one, gyno appointments have never been a high point for me. They’re hard, they’re just really freaking hard. Also, for this appointment, it was re-traumatizing in that I had to relive the whole experience. Being asked about it in detail and going back to that point in time where the rest of my world seemed to crumble away those two odd weeks ago.

We left things with a few high points. We told her we were concerned about waiting 8-9 weeks to come in for a prenatal appointment as I don’t make it to 8-9 weeks and the appointment is virtually useless to me at that point. In response to this, she agreed & said she would see me at 4 weeks next time around….if there’s a next time around. In addition, she feels the sooner we try again the better (echoing what I’d read on my own). The plan is to call when I start my first period post miscarriage & start Femera again at that point. It’s a good plan that we’re both happy with. The only other unfinished business for me is that, next time around, I’m requesting progesterone in oil shots instead of oral progesterone as that obviously did nothing for me this pregnancy.