

Welcome to Disorderly Love!! I’m Cesilee, the girl behind the curtain of what you’ll read.

I’m a 26 year old from the Bluegrass state, where I live with my husband & best friend. He helps me dance through this crazy thing we call life & breathe through our infertility woes.


Also living with us, are two sweet fur babies. Sophie, the ruler of the house, is a yorkie & Tyson, her trusty minion, rules alongside her.

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On this blog, you can read about our infertility journey & everything that entails. When I originally created this blog, I never dreamed that our infertility journey would be so long & drawn out. On the bright side for my readers, the blog now has a lot of information about medication side effects, treatment costs, procedures, and the like.

Since I’m a recent MSW graduate, I also happen to be a mental health advocate. I share things relating to this, as well as my own struggles with depression & eating disorders.

In addition to that madness, in an attempt to maintain my sanity through all this, this is also a lifestyle blog. Things in this category include: tips & tricks for vacation spots, fashion, food, etc!

Thank you, for stopping by & I hope you follow along with us! πŸ™‚ ❀

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Sometimes, I hate hitting the like button because I don’t “like” that those things happened to you. However, I Love the concept of your blog! Shame is an awful thing and although those exact things haven’t happened to me, I’ve shamed myself for plenty of other things in my life. I look forward to following your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How did the eating disorder affect your infertility? My boyfriend and I want a baby terribly. I’m wondering what I have to look forward too. Please write a blog post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Actually, as it turns out (as far as we know), my eating disorder hasn’t directly affected my fertility. My tubes looked good/open when the HSG test was done.
      Our fertility issues stem from hubby’s end. He has low mobility.
      If this last IUI was not successful, there will be more test & I think it will be interesting to see how those turn out.
      Good luck to you!!!


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