Let’s Do This Infertility Treatment….Again

In the words of Staind, it’s been a while.

Our last IVF was this past January. This, “break,” has been our longest since we started this process a little over  year ago. Last summer, we had struck out with luck in IUI’s & then  had two failed IVF’s afterwards.

If you don’t follow this blog, near the end of April I had a laparoscopy & was diagnosed with endo. My new gyno’s plan of attack is to try Femera & see if we’re able to naturally get pregnant.

Since I’m spotting today, I went ahead and made the call for the med….&, friends, I’m a little nervous. Nervous that it may make me as insane as Clomid did (which I told her about and is why we’re going with Femera instead). Nervous that it, like all our other attempts, will fail. It’s a scary thing to move into such a vulnerable place again and get our hopes up….but I feel like we’re ready to do it.

We also have a backup plan in our appt with a new RE in Cincinnati if all else fails.
I did some research (I.E. I did a google search lol) & here are the common side effects of Femera: Hot flashes, hair loss, joint/bone/muscle pain, tiredness, unusual sweating, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and trouble sleeping.

As long as it doesn’t include pure unadulterated insanity like its friend Clomid, I’m good.

Stay tuned for updates on how I feel about Femera & our continued journey to parenthood!

Have you tried Femera??? What were your side effects?? How did it compare to Clomid???

23 thoughts on “Let’s Do This Infertility Treatment….Again

  1. I took clomid and had all the really bad side effects that you had – hot flashes, angry, sad, basically an emotional wreck! Then I tried femera and the only thing I had was a few night sweats and that was all – no emotional meltdowns whatsoever!! It was much easier to tolerate. I really hope that this is the case for you 🙂 xx

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  2. WordPress fail: I was saying the fatigue. It did wipe me out for the first two days of the 5 that I took it but no emotional side effects whatever! I’m excited for this next part of the journey for you.

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  3. My femara experience was SO much better than clomid it was ridiculous. Clomid did make me hot flash like a mother like all the time but femara did not. The only real side effect I had from femara was mood swings. Clomid made me feel physically worse than femara.

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  4. I did two rounds of Clomid (hated it) and two or three rounds of Femara and not only did I have minimal side effects on Femara compared to Clomid (headaches, hot flashes, super bloated & hormonal), I responded much better! My progesterone levels were much higher with Femara. Let us know how you feel on it!! Rooting for you! What cycle days are you taking it?

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    • Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!
      These comments make my heart so happy, I can’t go back to the terror that was Clomid!!! lol

      I think 9-12, I have it written down somewhere. On Clomid I started on day 3..so this will be different 😁😁

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